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Pictures from Ron's Ride in Calverton and Norm's Ride in Shoreham are Mounted ...

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    Stormnnorman's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 4:51pm
    Pictures from Ron's Ride in Calverton and Norm's Ride in Shoreham are Mounted ...

    here: .

    The beauty of the woods was awesome today. The trails were snow covered 2" and crunchy. Slower going than usual but worth the effort. After viewing all the shots of Brookhave State Park (Shoreham south) I hope to get some company next week.

    To get a good view of the panoramic shots depress the Ctrl key and click on the "+" key a few times to enlarge the entire screen. Clicking on the picture will blow it up too much. To go back to normal depress the Ctrl key and click on the "-" key the same number of times.

    Ron, Thanks for the picture and for following my track on Road Id.

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