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Advocacy Alert: Please make a call today to support Idaho Stop

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    Joe D.
    Joined: 01/16/2009 - 10:03pm
    Advocacy Alert: Please make a call today to support Idaho Stop

    Hello friend -

    Please take 30 seconds RIGHT NOW to call NYS Speaker Heastie's office (518-455-3791) and ask the Assembly to pass A3986(Fahy) - the "Idaho Stop" or "Stop as Yield" bill.

    Here's what to say: "I am calling to ask Speaker Heastie to bring A3986 (Fahy) - the 'Idaho Stop' bill to the floor for a vote before the end of the 2022-23 session. This lifesaving bill will reduce crashes by allowing cyclists to treat a stop light as a stop sign and a stop sign as a yield. New York is one of only FOUR states with an F or F+ grade in the League of American Bicyclists Traffic Laws and Policies ranking. New York can do better and this bill would go a long way to making cyclists safer!"

    There are only a few days left in session, and there is a real possibility of passing his bill, which has now passed three Assembly Committees: Transportation, Codes, and Rules!  Next stop is the Assembly Floor, which is why we need Speaker Heastie to bring this to a vote.

    Read up here if you want a bit more information

    - Anne
    Anne Savage (she/her)
    Interim Executive Director
    New York Bicycling Coalition

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